Friday, March 20, 2009

PRAHA ~ where you can have a snowy spring break

Nazdar! (which I hope is hello in Czech...)
and wow, Prague (Praha according to locals) is everything I imagined and then some. Its got the confused quirkiness of eastern europe (1Euro=25Crowns? so confusing.) the beauty of the west (not bombed during WWII) and a vitality in its youth (counter) culture: bars, cafes, trendy shops almost outnumber the cheesy tourist joints.

Today was a fabulous introduction. After a few hours of sweet sleep we set off for Fuminico, our wizz air flight, the Prague busses, and underground finally arriving at our hostel (in the center of town) and the FREEZING weather. About 30F, it was a big shock after Rome has just started to warm up into the 70s. (not a very springy spring break)

although the city is wonderful (and relatively cheap) the BEST part was that it snowed today! Real, puffy, silently falling snow! Its a big deal for me as a sheltered socal kid, spoiled by the perpetual 70F weather of california. so we walked around the city with a free (youth oriented) walking tour as giant puffy flakes of snow fell and melted on our jackets, hats, and noses. the tour guide was hilarious. besides dropping the f-bomb at every chance he got, he told stories and jokes and the hidden messages in odd statues that had us all laughing and forgetting the cold weather.

The coffee = not as good as Rome, (but the cappuccino's steamed milk was pretty incredibly frothy, mmm)
the hot chocolate = ain't got NOTHING on spanish hot chocolate (which wins hands down)
the Beer = DELICIOUS and cheap

more for later
for now, more sweet sweet sleep

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