Thursday, March 19, 2009

Here we go...
So after many many hours of studying flash cards, notes, images, followed by four hours of continuous writing I'm finally done with midterms! Although the prep work sucked I actually enjoyed taking the tests. I got to just write and write about art, and even if I forgot a date here and there, it was way less intimidating than an o-chem synthesis or bio lab identification.

Before I depart for imminent break I want to just give some background flavor to life here in Rome...

unfortunately Rome is NOT like Roman holiday would have you think. The streets are more daunting the cars crazier and the tourists more everywhere. And so far, no Gregory Peck has offered me a scooter ride (plenty of Italians yell "ciao bella!" even when I'm bundled up like a marshmallow) The little flares of Italian life seem to be canned in the pizzerias and over the top boutiques on the street side. I always thought Rome would be children playing ball in piazzas, fruit and fish vendors trying to get you to buy, church bells ringing on the hour, and laundry hanging strewn from the apartments, but the busses, cars, huge boulevards and hoards of tourists make it hard to find the simple Italian life. But after being in Rome for a few months now, I've found that the big city is only big when you let it be--by avoiding the big tourist sites and enjoying the lesser known monuments and museums (and living in Trastevere) I've gotten to know Italy for the smaller details and every day pleasures.

So far, some of my favorite memories have been
getting gelato from Giolittis since its the best!
losing my way behind Giancolo hill and finding a spectacular view
Reading on the Pantheon steps
Walking to the Trevi fountain at night
Going to the il Forno in Trastevere nearly every day
Walking across the Ponte sisto! (every day)
having Marco know I want "un cappuccino!" when I walk into the cafe
eating pizza on the Pantheon porch
taking pics of children and old Italians at the open air market
The desert calzone at Dar Poetas
taking my sketchbook almost everywhere
coming home to Trastevere

The best part is that every day is different, whether schizophrenic weather, class in a museum, or hour long walks home, Rome continues to surprise me!

sadly leaving this place that has become so much of a home
and off to explore what Prague, Stockholm, Brussels and Bruges have to offer!

ciao for now!

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